REFINISHING -SMITH & WESSON WILL REFINISH HANDGUNS OF ITS OWN MANUFACTURE AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Refinishing-either blue or nickel -$12.00 Change of finish -$1 5.50 No change of finish is offered on the Victory or Airweight models or on the Models 28. 5832 Stock, Magna, square butt, right 2.75.5830 Stock, Magna, square butt, left 2.75.5824 Stock, Magna, round butt, right 2.75.5822 Stock, Magna, round butt, left 2.75.5455 Extractor Rod for guns with barrels over 2" 1.10.5454 Extractor Rod for guns with 2" barrels 1.10.5413 * Frame for heavy barrel only 33.00.5399 " Frame, square butt, for guns with 2" barrels, with studs, bushing & lug 33.00.5395 * Frame, round butt, for guns with 2" barrels, with studs, bushing & lug 33.00.5388 * Frame, square butt, for guns with barrels over 2", with studs, bushing & lug 33.00.5375 Frame, round butt, for guns with barrels over 2", with studs, bushing & lug 33.00.5086 Cylinder, with extractor pins & gas ring 15.40.5082 Center Pin for guns with 2" barrels 1.10.5043 Locking Bolt for guns with barrels over 2".5006 Center Pin for guns with barrels over 2" 1.10.PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 15,1967 - Subject o Change Without Notice - MINIMUM ORDER $ 1.00 (Price and model number remain the same, but HEAVY BARREL must be specified on original order.) PARTS LIST 38 Military & Police Square Butt is also supplied in a 4-inch heavy barrel model with 1/8-inch ramp front sight and matching rear notch. Stocks Checked walnut Magna with S&W monograms.Sights Fixed, 1/8-inch serrated ramp front square notch rear.
Length Over All With 4-inch barrel, 9¼ inches.38 Military & Police Revolver Model 10 Smith & Wesson 38 Military & Police Revolver Model 10 (1967 Handgun Insert)